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 Hi..i want to apply as a GM or a Hoster to make the server 24/7

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Hollister Newbie
Hollister Newbie

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-05-14

Hi..i want to apply as a GM or a Hoster to make the server 24/7 Empty
PostSubject: Hi..i want to apply as a GM or a Hoster to make the server 24/7   Hi..i want to apply as a GM or a Hoster to make the server 24/7 EmptyThu May 14, 2009 7:06 am

Hello admin i wanna apply for a GM or a hoster to be 24/7 your server,and im 19yrs old male
i have experience a GM how many time`s and i have my own server but its broken and im tierd to fix it
it was broke for uploading a new patches` and i can also advertise your server and i have some tool`s to advertise your server
and if you nid help in your server to fix somthing and maybe i can help you
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Hi..i want to apply as a GM or a Hoster to make the server 24/7
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